Tuesday, April 24, 2012


(pictured here…the very moment I came up with my blog idea. Captured forever on celluloid.)

This morning, I had a wide gulch of possible ideas for my blog post.  But during a short walk, I felt the pleasant sting of a good blog topic, much like a satisfying sunburn.  It happened when something triggered it during a mundane moment.  This always happens.  A key phrase, a funky smell or sound gives me a 950-word essay.  Today, my trigger was a rock.  Don’t ask.  So gather by the fire, friends.  I have stuff to tell you.   

During the enormous energy it took setting up a blog about how I’m going to live healthier, it hit me that I had to spend the rest of the time actually living healthier.  But I knew I needed to start the blog first, to give me a launch point in my mind.  However, I’m hampered by technology; we have scorn and contempt for each other.  Everyone who knows me, would agree.  I just want to write, even if it’s with lipstick.   My brain likes to run free with the unicorns and squirrels, but my husband is the guy who builds the barn that holds all the critters in a safe place.  We can make a good team, provided we’ve had sleep.  So, after two days of labor and some choice words together, we had the beginnings of the blog.   

I looked at him through bloodshot eyes, and said, “Well, we birthed it.  Now, what do we name it?”  I knew we needed a good site name, one that I could yell out of a car to a friend so they could easily remember it when they got home.  Here’s how the ancient, time-tested Naming Ceremony went. 

Me:  “How about Egg?  That’s an easy name to remember.”
Him: “Egg?  You want to call your site Egg?”  (type, type, search search.)  “Sorry.  It’s taken!”
Me: “Sunshine?”
Him: “TAKEN!”
Ten more great words, all Taken!

Suddenly there appeared a twitch on the left side of my face.  I narrowed my eyes at him, because it was somehow his fault.  All of this.  I get like this when I start slamming the door on treats during the first few days of ‘eating healthier.’ 

Me: “How about Bastard?” as I looked right into his face.  He knew it was nothing personal.
Him: “Taken.  And besides, it could be spelled many different ways, like Basturd, Basterd or Bastird. So, it’s probably not a good choice.” 

This is why I love him.  Did you see how he stepped right over it and kept moving?  Then, he tossed this little gem back to me in all its foul glory:

Him: “Oh, here’s one that’s not been taken.  'BigEffingComplainer.'” 

This is why I really REALLY love him.  And it’s an available name!  I mean, that was a bonus afternoon. 

But somehow, we got trapped into “freddiesmom50x50.”   This is because we littered the blogosphere carelessly and unknowingly, and the blog fairies clamped their jaws shut on it.  After all that work, we still ended up with a confusing name to yell from the car window.  That’s been my only regret so far. Oh, and the fact that I spelled ‘scurvy’ wrong on my last post.  I don’t know how that got by me, but I may have blown a spark plug during the proofread.  

And for my next act

Like most of you, I like to be busy.  But I’ve had a year-long epiphany on clutter and weight and how I am finding them to be strange bedfellows who are actually cousins.  By clutter, I include the huge, but underestimated culprit: “Calendar Clutter.”  Give me a few more days to firm up my thoughts…I’m almost there.  Thanks for stopping by for a quick sip.

(yes, when you get this via email, my words are run-on in some places.  I abhor technology.)


  1. Did you try "It's all my husbands fault" ? I'm sure it's taken though. If it isn't, I will. It really is the perfect remedy to everything. It just bounces off of them like flubber. Hey.....Flubber.....hmmmm. oxoxox.

  2. Let's try going to a more zen like space with regards to technology. Join me won't you...breath in and out saying: Technology in my friend. Now don't you feel better. (It helps to do with in you best Mr. Rodgers voice)


Seriously. Tell me all about it.