Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Game Changer: Part 6 of a 6 part series


I watched as clutter stole a summer from me and my family.  It stole from me during the years it lived here, it stole from me as I did away with it this month and it is stealing from me as I type these blog entries.   Thank goodness it’s been great fun to write about.  But at least this batch of clutter will steal from me for the last time.  

I have found that a home is your partner.  It is not just a place to keep your stuff.  It can make or break you. 

I see how a cluttered house causes a cluttered mind, and a cluttered mind causes a cluttered house.  See how beautifully they work in tandem to destroy each other?  It really is the perfect storm.

I have found that ‘house’ and ‘body’ are really one and the same.  I need to be happy with the body and home I’m in, but still fight like a dog to streamline it.  It was hard to maintain weight loss when surrounded by an excess of house items and outdated ways of doing things.  Conversely, it was hard to improve my home because I was busy feeling bad about my weight.  I see how my home and body were busy sabotaging each other.  

This month has been intense, painful, full of tears, poorly timed and yet perfectly timed.  This summer did not start out about weight loss, and yet it will completely lead to weight loss.  I’ve been forced to rethink my whole life.  I have discovered some interesting benefits of devoting this year to my health, because all of these other evolutions are happening as an unexpected side benefit. 

I’ve heard that at seven year intervals, we go through intense mental and physical rebirth. I’m 49.  Did you see that?  49 is the seventh group of seven year cycles.  It’s the Golden One.  The Big One.  It makes sense that I am going through the Mother of all upheavals. 

As for all the things that broke or malfunctioned in our house, I had to read my horoscope just for shits and giggles.  Apparently, two planets are in retrograde, which is famous for causing issues with technology.  ‘Retrogrades always push us toward the past, and they’re important times for revising, editing, perfecting and fixing design flaws.  Having the rug pulled out is really a secret opportunity.’

I don’t really go for Astrology much, but I thought it was interesting that even the AstroTwins totally nailed what we were going through.

I feel that rebirth already.  I have 80% decluttered our house.  I have gotten rid of what I don't need, what makes me unhappy,  what I would NOT take to a new house, or what would embarrass me if I died suddenly.  My life is losing old clutter and I have room to take on new and better things.  As my house loses weight, I know I will follow. 

I’ve learned lessons in contentment, about being happy with your home (body) while striving for better.  That the energy spent in longing, should be used for action instead.  

Like I said, I had no idea my weight loss journey would suddenly take a left turn and become a decluttering phase for a few months.  Thankfully, I surrendered to it. And thank YOU for reading about it and for all your emails and feedback. 

Oh, and Primrose Lane, I have a message for you.  Thank you for crashing into my life.  I’m sorry it has taken four times for me to finally get clarity.  Thank you for teaching me about never, ever, ever giving up.  About heading full throttle into any dream, no matter how trite, and stopping only when I had exhausted every option. I know I didn’t end up with you, but if I had given up too early in the game, I would not have gained the lessons of July during my desperate quest to have you.

This is the most peace I have felt in decades.  If we ever meet again, I’m taking you out for a beer.   

Next time: back to normal posts again.  I've got more stories.


  1. I guess it is true all good things must come to an end but I am not happy about it at all. Absolutely enjoyed your humor and insights. Thank you!

  2. Great, Great, Great.......I just finished 1-6 and loved it. You are a witty, creative, poignant writer and I just love reading your writing. I think this is a book in the making.

  3. Sheri, what a great series of blogs. I see a book in your future: you must compile this year of blogs and send them to a publisher! The decluttering bug has hit me, too, and I give you full credit for that. Beautifully written, witty, funny.... Oh, I love your being able to put your finger right on the button. Here's one quote I copied right out of your post and pasted onto my desktop: "The energy spent in longing should be used for action instead. " 'Nuff said, and said so well!


Seriously. Tell me all about it.